What if I have had my Mobile Device stolen or lost

There is potential that any lost or stolen device could compromise any information contained on the device depending on its operating state at the time.  Therefore, any lost or stolen device must be reported so that an assessment of compromise can be made.  The following information is to be obtained:

  • Report via Fresh as Loss/Theft of Charity Device
  • Enter details of the device lost/stolen
  • Details of event incl Approx. date/time of loss if known or time frame from which you last had the device and when you noticed it missing.  Where it was lost/ stolen from.
  • If known to be stolen was this reported to the Police if so, what is the crime ref No.
  • What information was processed and stored on the device.
  • If known did the device have encryption enabled at the time of the incident.
  • Was the device powered down or just screen locked when the incident occurred etc