
The use of Mobileiron to access charity e-mails from mobile devices (phones or tablets) can be provided through a formal request to the Service Desk.

The storage of charity data on mobile devices poses the risk of data being lost, stolen, or compromised. Mobileiron creates a secure container on the mobile device which protects charity data from other apps on the device. All charity users of mobile e-mail access must agree and follow the terms and conditions of use, detailed in this document.

These terms and conditions provide user awareness of the technical controls and sensible working practices required to maintain appropriate levels of security.

You are required to comply with all bullet points listed below. If necessary, seek help from Service Desk to meet these requirements. These terms apply to both charity and personally owned devices.

Conditions of use

• Terms of using Mobileiron need to be accepted on each mobile device, this grants administrative permission to the device. 

• Only Service Desk can remove Mobileiron once it is installed on a device.

• Mobileiron apps must be used to access StepChange email, calendar or attachments. 

• Only Android, Apple or Windows devices are permitted to be used with Mobileiron

• All access to your device must be PIN, password or fingerprint protected.

• All mobile devices must have data locally encrypted.  See Appendix A in this document

• Mobileiron accounts are monitored and disabled if not used for 30 days.

• Devices must be maintained with current Windows login username and password to allow e-mail synchronisation.

• Reasonable steps must be taken to keep the device secure from theft or unauthorised use.

• If any device with Mobileiron enabled is lost or stolen, this must be reported to Service Desk immediately.

• If the device is no longer being used for remote e-mail access, or is being disposed of, then the Mobileiron account must be removed from the device by Service Desk. 

• Devices must not be used for charity purposes in public areas where screen content can easily be seen.

• Charity owned phones must be returned to Service Desk when no longer required or when they are being replaced/upgrade.

• Personal data on charity owned phones must be removed before returning to Service Desk.

• All security concerns or incidents must be reported to Service Desk.

Mobile device encryption

Please follow the manufacturer’s instructions when encrypting your device. Encryption options are normally found within the devices Security Settings.

All Apple devices since the iPhone 3GS already have an encrypted file system. As long as the device has a passcode set, the data will be encrypted whenever the device is locked or off. Colleagues using modern Apple devices will not have to take any further steps regarding data encryption.

Future Android devices are expected to follow this approach, but currently, outside of Apple, most devices and operating systems have encryption facilities but do not enforce these.

It is advisable to have local data backed up prior to encryption.

It is possible on older devices that there is minor performance degradation following encryption.

Take care setting the encryption PIN or password, once this is set it cannot be undone.

Encryption may take minutes or may take more than one hour, you should ensure that your phone is fully charged and plugged in to a power source prior to encryption.

Service Desk will provide advice and guidance if required but will not be responsible for any data loss on any device.