The files are generated in this folder location:

\\ldsfileproapp01\Production\Disbursement\Held Debt Output\

This needs to be searched to see if the file has been generated, and if so inform CAM so they can manually send the file while we investigate and try to replicate.

The job is resilient and if this error happens the job will continue running.  You can check in the SSIS_Config table to see if the job completed successfully:

SELECT P.PackageName, P.PackageID, PTL.*

  FROM [SSIS_Config].[dbo].[PackageLog] PL

  INNER JOIN [dbo].[PackageVersion] PV

  ON PL.PackageVersionID = PV.PackageVersionID

  INNER JOIN [dbo].[Package] P

  ON P.PackageID = PV.PackageID

  INNER JOIN [dbo].[PackageTaskLog] PTL

  ON PTL.PackageLogID = PL.PackageLogID

  WHERE P.PackageID = 54

  AND PTL.StartDateTime >= '25-feb-2021'

  ORDER BY StartDateTime