New Starter – IT Checklist and Okta Enrolment


Congratulations on your new role within StepChange Debt Charity.

This document is provided to ensure you have access to all the basic and necessary applications to start your training.

Following this guide will provide you with the knowledge you need to access general applications and the Charity VPN.

The VPN allows you to work securely and provides access to the charity systems while working from home.

Please ask for help at any point whilst you follow this guide.


Step 1

Log into your new Laptop using your provided username and password.

Your username will look like this: [email protected]

Step 2

Once logged in you should receive a prompt to change the password, if you don’t receive a prompt, please click on the following link:

Log in using the same details you used to log in to the laptop.

Click on the drop-down menu in the top right corner of the page and click into settings (shown in the image below).


Click on the Edit profile button (shown below), this will prompt you to enter a password (this is the same as the password used to log into the laptop ).


One the next screen you will be able to update your password.

Password’s must contain:

  • A minimum of 8 Characters
  • A capital letter
  • A special character i.e.! £,?
  • A number

Change the password to something only you can remember and note it down some were safe.

Leave this page open as you will need this for step 3.  

If you have any issues, please speak to your Academy Trainer.

Step 3

To access Charity Systems from home you will need to set up 2 Factor Authentication (vpn). To do this you will need to download an app on your mobile phone.

On your mobile phone install Okta Verify from your app store (Shown Below). Do not open the app yet.


Next go back to your laptop and scroll down on the page you used to update your password until you see a box called Extra verification.


Click set up and follow the instructions provided on screen.

You can open the app when prompted. When asked selected ‘Add Account’ and allow the app access to your camera (enabling you to scan the QR code from the laptop).

After this is done a 6-digit code will appear on your mobile device. Ensure you press next on the laptop screen and enter this code.

You have now completed this step.

Step 4

If you’re in the office, we can now test the vpn (Provided yourself or another college has a mobile hotspot). If you’re at home, follow this step using your normal WI-FI.

(In office only) Disconnect from the StepChange Wi-fi and connect to a mobile hotspot (the mobile hotspot will need 5 GHz)

On your desktop open FortiClient VPN (shown below).


Click the box confirming you accept the terms and conditions.

Log in using your email and your new password.

Open the Okta Verify App on your mobile device and enter the 6-digit code from the app in the box called answer and click okay. (Shown below)


You are now successfully connected to the VPN.

At the end of each working day please reopen FortiClient VPN on your laptop and disconnect.

Step 5

Form your Desktop open the StepChange folder.


Locate and open the Fresh Icon (shown below).  


This is the Fresh portal where you can raise Incidents and request specific services from the Technology Services Department (IT).

It also holds “how to” documents for gaining access to the Charity Systems and troubleshooting issues (Under the section browse solutions).

Step 6

From your Start Menu open Outlook and Microsoft Teams. Please ensure you can sign in to both.

On teams it is advised that you perform a test call with a colleague while using your headset and without it to ensure this works.

Speak to your Academy trainer if you have issues.


That’s it from us!

Good Luck in your training!

Service Desk

Digital, Change and Service Department.


Q: How do I contact the IT team if I need support in the future?

A:  Within StepChange the IT support team are known as Service desk. You can contact them for support through the internal phone system Genesy’s by searching for Service Desk. Alternatively, you can call 0113 235 5345 from your personal device (Please save this number for the future in case you can’t access your laptop and need support). Service desk’s opening hours are aligned with the charities.


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Melissa Eyre


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Item B2

