Log onto https://identity-management.insolvency.gov.uk/
Click on Manage your team
Add a Team Member
Check the ticket for the user type in the SR
Hit Confirm after each added user as you will receive the temporary password for that user via email and will need to send this on via teams
Send the user the below email:
Shortly you will provided a Government gateway ID to allow you access to Breathing space
Please ensure you keep this somewhere safe for future reference
You will then be sent a Temporary password by Service Desk Manager Claire Yates via Teams
Please log into the gateway using the below link:
You will need to set up additional authentication which is specific to you for security, please choose the most appropriate method for you as the Service Desk will not have access to this.
How do you want to get access codes?
Text message
Get codes sent to a mobile phone.
Voice call
Get codes by automated message to a UK mobile or landline.
Authentication app for smartphone or tablet
Get codes generated by an authentication app on your mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet.
Then Teams the temp password to the Individual