Please try to obtain a timestamp of the client's login attempt, and screenshots of any error messages they're getting, before raising a ticket.

1. Is the client's email address spelled correctly?

2. Make sure the client hasn't copied + pasted their email address into the email address field (this may add a space at the end / beginning of the address) 

3. Has the client logged in before?

If not, then they need to click on the ‘not logged on before’ link or log in using the password that was sent to them following their plan being activated. 

4. Does the client have more than 1 email address (e.g. a Home and a Work one, duplicates)?

If a sole plan has 2 email addresses, then one needs to be deleted. After 24 hours they should be able to log in with the remaining email. They may need to click the link mentioned above on their first attempt

For joint plans with 2 email addresses, make sure the email type (work/home) is different for each one. The one marked as ‘home’ will be used for OnlineDMP and this one needs to be used to log in. They may need to click the link mentioned above on their first attempt

5. If they have used the service before then check the following with the client:

Are they using a current browser such as Google Chrome

Are their cookies enabled on the browser

Have they correctly typed in their details and not copy and pasted them

6. Is the client a DMP client and not TPP, as TPP clients are not permitted access. The exception to this is clients that moved from a DMP to a TPP product who can still access the system but cannot review online

7. Check the client has been activated. Once activated they will be sent a password in the post

If all of the above have been checked, most remaining issues are normally resolved automatically after the nightly system refresh. We ask you to re-request the password again for the client the next day or ask the client to wait 24 hours and retry.

If the client still can’t log in, then please raise a Fresh ticket and we will investigate further.