Error message - 'We can't seem to find the page you are looking for'
This error code relates to if a case doesn’t have complete data entered. Because of how Pulse cases are created this should be rare, Should this error screen be displayed, click the ‘Back to dashboard’ button and check if any items have not been entered correctly. Once everything has been checked retry going to the solutions screen.
If all the information looks complete and you are still being presented with this screen please raise a ticket.
Error message - 'This service is not available at this time'
This is due to a connection issue with FICO's server.
If you do get this error message please allow 30 seconds between each retry. if too many retries are attempted in a short period of time this cause a longer temporary suspension of the service.
Should this happen or 3 attempts are unsuccessful you will see the below screen, prompting you to return to the dashboard instead of the option to retry.
If this screen comes up please return to the dashboard wait a minute and then retry going to the solution screen.
If you have gone through the above and you are still presented with these screens then please raise a ticket.