Online Log-in issue


Client Attempting To Use Online DMP

Firstly check with the client that they are trying to access the correct online portal. the client should be using the “Return to Debt Advice” option. Please ensure that clients are not attempting to use the “Access my OnlineDMP” option.  


If the client is attempting to use the “Return to Debt Advice” option then please continue. 

Duplicate Account 

Check that the email address the client is using/wants to use has not been registered before.

You can do this by opening a new search and searching for the email address.

If the client has used that email address before on any plan then please add the below to any ticket raised. 

  • Client current account - Client reference and DAV-number
  • Clients previous account/s- Client reference and DAV-number/s
  • Email address the client wants to use

If the address has not been used before We recommend asking the client to enter their password incorrectly 3 times which will force the account to lock and you can then unlock the account for the client forcing an email to be sent. 

If this has not resolved the issue and the client is still unable to access the account please raise a ticket using the below. 

 Raising a fresh ticket

If all the above has not resolved the issue or if this issue is not listed in the above, please add the below to any ticket raised

  • Client reference and DAV number 
  • Screenshot or actual wording of the error
  • Any additional information that might help.