A couple of things to check before raising a ticket. 

  1. Has only 1 solution been selected?
    • This can be identified by going to the review summary page and looking at the chosen solutions. 
    • To resolve this issue you will need to put the client back into debt advice so only 1 solution can be selected.
  2. The postal address is missing from the writeback request.
    • There is no indication you will see for this but if you go to the contact details and 
      • Select the address again from the drop down list and then save and continue through to activation again.
      • If the above does not work then select for the address to be manually entered, save and continue through to activation again.  
  3. Do any of the clients debts have a zero balance? 
    • To resolve, please remove the debt if the balance is zero, or update to the correct amount
  4. Are any of the debt balances less than £1.00?
    • If any balances are less than £1.00 please update the balance to £1.00 and then attempt the writeback again.
  5. Has the client selected a preferred contact method?
    • To resolve, please select, email, phone or post, according to clients preference.
  6. Is there more that 20 organisations being signposted?
    • To resolve you will need to remove some organisations until you are left with 20 as this is the max limit. 

      7. Do all budget items have a balance and a reason selected where required?

    • To resolve, please ensure all budget items have a balance and a reason selected.

      8. Is the employment status blank?

    • To resolve, please ensure this is completed.

          9. Does the assets section have a £0 balance?

      • To resolve, please ensure this is completed.

    If your issue is now resolved due to any of the above scenarios please raise a ticket advising which scenario this was so we can track how often each incident is occurring. 

    If you still have an issue please raise a ticket advising that you have tried all the workarounds on this solutions article.